My Journey to a Medication-Free Life and Improved Well-being

Positive Diabetes Reversal Outcomes - My FFD experience

  • Name - Mr. Ram Shankar Tiwari
  • Age - 54 Years Young
  • Profession - Businessman
  • Place - Allahabad

Hello all,

I'm Ram Shankar Tiwari from Allahabad.

My diabetes story

In the year 2010 I received my diabetes diagnosis. It all began with an overwhelming thirst that prompted me to seek medical attention.

The recommended tests revealed that diabetes was the underlying cause of my symptoms. What struck me as intriguing was the absence of a significant family history of this condition in my case.

In my quest to manage my diabetes, I initially attempted to control it through strict dietary restrictions, but unfortunately, the results were not satisfactory.

Subsequently, I turned to medications, which provided only marginal improvement. As the situation began spiraling out of control with the increasing reliance on medication, I realized that I needed to take decisive action.

It became clear to me that a more comprehensive and effective approach was necessary to regain control of my health and successfully manage my diabetes.

How was FFD introduced?

I got to learn about FFD through my friend Dr. Amit Malaviya who himself was a part of the FFD program.

What made me choose FFD?

Despite seeking treatment from renowned doctors, my medication dosage continued to escalate relentlessly. I reached a critical point where I feared that insulin administration might become an inevitable necessity shortly.

I had a lot of trust in my friend.  FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Ram Shankar Tiwari

Reversal story

It has been great to have been associated with an organization like FFD. Only positive things have happened.

My diabetes medicines have been reduced by 50% which makes me very happy. I had never imagined reaching this stage so speedily.

My HbA1c has improved from 7.25 down to a very much normal level of 6.1-6.2.

My weight too has decreased considerably.

FFD has provided me with valuable insights into proper nutrition, effective exercise routines, and the crucial role of mental well-being in preserving optimal health.

I hold a strong belief that by faithfully adhering to the principles of FFD, I will ultimately achieve a medication-free life.

Key quote

"FFD has proved beyond doubt that Diabetes Reversal is Possible"

Key takeaways

  • Medicines reduced by 50%
  • HbA1c improved
  • In high spirits