A success story of diabetes reversal from Mumbai

- Name- Mr. Karthik Moorthy
- Age- 40 years
- Profession- Chartered Accountant
- Place - Mumbai, india
Knowledge is power...To know what you know and what you do not know is true knowledge. ...FFD is truly great...made me knowledgeable about health too!
I am Karthik Moorthy, a 40 years young, Chartered Accountant, from Mumbai. I head the Accounts Team in an MNC Company.
Out of the several causes behind having diabetes, work pressure/stress is one strong factor behind me contracting it, I think.
I noticed a skin infection on my body which was quite irritating. So, I went on to consult my doctor. He suggested that I check my BSL. The levels were very high. Fasting sugar level was 225 and PP was 325. This was in October 2020.
The doctor educated me that it was not a skin infection, but a skin rash. I was put on one tablet of Diapride M1 in the morning after breakfast and one Diataal D tablet after dinner. I didn't take any insulin.
How I got to know about FFD is very interesting. The doctor who asked me to get the blood sugar levels checked was the one who told me about FFD. I then gathered information about FFD by visiting their site and watching YouTube videos. It was interesting and encouraging.
Mr. Karthik Moorthy
Dr. Pramod Tripathi's online session named DRS was simply wonderful. He explained the causes of diabetes and the concept of diabetes reversal beautifully. I soon joined the FFD diabetes reversal program HTP batch 65.
My FFD journey began on 12th December 2021 and my diabetes medicines stopped on 15th Jan 2022, just in 1 month. Weight reduction-wise, I initially lost about 7 kg (from 68.5 to 61 Kg). I have gained 4 kg now but it is a healthy weight gain and there hasn't been much of an inch gain due to it.
I follow the diet regime very strictly even now. One of the biggest advantages is that I know what to eat and what not to eat. Also I keep a control on the proportion.
On the exercise front, I am able to follow 3-2-1 in most weeks. I had a second surgery on my shoulder in October 2021 so I restarted the 3-2-1 in April 2022 only. I do bodyweight exercises for 3 days, followed by yoga for 2 days and cycling for 1 day.
This routine gives me a high sense of achievement. I am very happy with my progress.
Thank you, Dr. Pramod Tripathi and the whole FFD team.