Bhushan Dinkkarao Chincholkar: Grateful to FFD...saved from starting medicines

En route to complete diabetes reversal
- Name- Mr. Bhushan Dinkarrao Chincholkar
- Age- 45 Years Young
- Profession- IT professional
- Place - Pune, Maharashtra
I'm Bhushan Dinkarrao Chincholkar, 45 years young IT professional from Pune working for the last 15 years.
Why did I join FFD?
I was hoping to avoid medicines for diabetes.
How did I get to know about my diabetes?
Food habits, a sedentary job, lack of exercise, and stress pushed me into the pre-diabetic situation in which I was for 5+ years. Despite knowing that it was a health alarm plus the family history, my negligence was at its peak.
Some stress shot up my HbA1c to 7.1 last year which tagged me as a full-blown diabetic. The doctor suggested medicine; however, I decided to avoid it and started looking for alternative solutions.
How did FFD happen?
Two of my colleagues were ex-participants of FFD who had become fully free of medicine and suggested I join this program.
Bhushan Dinkarrao Chincholkar
Journey with FFD
I first attended the introductory session DRS which gave a complete overview of diabetes reversal following which I enrolled in the FFD diabetes reversal program (HTP).
After joining FFD, my situation improved rapidly and in just 7 days, my sugars started to appear normal. Things were going smoothly but in between, I suffered from severe lower back pain. It did put a limitation on exercise but the FFD exercise expert guided me with activities that I could follow to keep sugars under control.
On the weight loss front, I have lost 7 kg, which feels great.
The FFD doctor, dietician, and exercise expert's support is awesome. Amazingly my latest HbA1c is 5.9.
I know there is a long way to achieve complete freedom, but I believe "Life will be sweet again."
Key takeaways
- Managed to avert medicines
- HbA1c 7.1% to 5.9 %
- Weight loss - 7 kg