Diabetes Reversed, Positivity Gained - FFD's Inner Transformation Rocks!

How FFD's Inner Transformation Facilitated Dipali's Diabetes Reversal and Positivity

  • Name - Mrs. Dipali Chimate
  • Age - 28 Years Young
  • Profession - Tutor
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Dipali Chimate, holding an MSc and B.Ed, residing in Pune. At present, I am engaged in providing home-based Tutoring services.

Key Takeaways

  • Diabetes reversed
  • Weight loss 9 kg
  • Enhanced positivity

My Diabetes Story

At the age of 27, and with no familial history of diabetes, I found myself confronting an unexpected health challenge.

Despite the absence of apparent symptoms in my body, the revelation of fluctuating sugar levels came during my first pregnancy.

This news was undeniably startling, and the prospect of taking medications was something I was not prepared for.

Determined to manage my sugar levels naturally, I turned to dietary adjustments and exercise, achieving some success.

However, a realization grew within me that I needed a more comprehensive solution to address the underlying concerns.

What made me choose FFD?

As mentioned above, I did not want to rely on medicines. FFD was offering hope. I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP with a major goal of reversing my diabetes.

Mrs. Dipali Chimate

My Reversal Story

Enrolling in FFD has undoubtedly proven to be a wise decision for me. Taking proactive measures has saved me from future complications.

It has also brought about positive transformations in my health. Recognizing the fundamental role of the four FFD protocols in promoting well-being, I diligently embraced them, witnessing a notable improvement in my sugar levels.

My HbA1c showed remarkable progress, dropping to 7.4 and eventually reaching 6. The impressive 9 kg weight loss, from 71 kg to 62 kg, has been a testament to the effectiveness of FFD treatment in achieving and maintaining stability.

The inner transformation session, particularly with Yati Shah, stands out as a truly enriching experience. Incorporating meditation into my routine has significantly contributed to reducing fasting sugar levels, a challenge I previously faced.

Moreover, this journey has instilled a heightened sense of positivity within me, fostering increased confidence and a strong belief that everything is aligning for the better.

Key Quote

Thank you FFD for showing me the right path at the right time.