Extremely grateful to FFD for giving me good health!

  • Name- Mrs. Rajashree Venkatesan
  • Age- 50 years
  • Profession- Consultant
  • Place - Hyderabad, India

We all need good wishes and well-wishers in our life.  And there is no need to tell that the immediate family members are the ones who fall in both categories.  My sister introduced me to FFD and it turned out to be the turning point of my life! 

I am Rajashree Venkatesan, a 50 years old, post-graduate lady from Hyderabad.  I help my husband in his business plus I am into healing people through various means like Reiki, crystal healing, etc.

I was ignoring my health.  Obesity was becoming a big issue for me.  Due to some emotional issues, I was putting on weight.  My sister used to advise me that excess weight might put me into trouble in the future. 

In her opinion, it would get worse in the next 10 years when I would become 60 years old.  She herself was a member of Freedom from Diabetes and suggested I too join it.

My idea behind associating with FFD was to reduce weight, adopt a healthy lifestyle and gain fitness. I joined the FFD diabetes reversal program - HTP batch 79 in the non-diabetic category. 

Was told to get my basic lab tests which surprisingly revealed that my HbA1c was high at 8. This clearly meant I was diabetic! So, my diabetes was detected after joining FFD.

Now, I had to be put shifted from the non-diabetic to diabetic category.  My treatment started on that basis now. The first thing FFD people did was explained to me the various reasons for weight gain and causing diabetes. 

Mrs. Rajashree Venkatesan

It was great to know about them.  I had never heard of something called Insulin resistance before.  The fact that type 2 diabetics produced more insulin was very interesting.

As my major aim was weight reduction it was emphasized that FFD does not approve of crash diets or cutting on food, but it emphasizes on healthy weight loss.  So, a weight loss diet chart was shared which was amazing.

The medicines given for raised sugar levels which were started after joining FFD stopped in just 10 days.  So, I was diagnosed diabetic and freed both at FFD! The main journey, the weight loss journey, has been simply superb.

As I began following the protocols, my weight too started reducing.  But I wanted to reduce it further.  FFD diet experts gave me proper advice on when and how to do Juice feasting, water fasting, and intermittent fasting.  These are the real keys to reducing weight which they only know how to go for.

As a result, I successfully completed 120 hours of water fasting.  These instructions helped me tremendously in my weight loss journey. FFD team is truly equipped with a team of experts who have in-depth knowledge about health.

When I started, my weight was 78 kgNow I am at 64.3 kg.  I have to yet reduce a few kilograms but very happy with my progress with FFD.

Now, I think all that happens is for good.  I came to FFD, got to know about my diabetic status, became free from it, lost weight.... everything.

Thank you, FFD!

Weight loss success story