Lalitha Vangala: 31 years of insulin stopped in 20 days

Free from 55 units of insulin, in great health

  • Name- Mrs. Lalitha Vangala 
  • Age-  56 Years Young
  • Profession- Housewife
  • Place - Hyderabad

Hello all,

I am Lalitha Vangala, a housewife from Hyderabad.

Why did I join FFD?

I wanted freedom from insulin.

Diabetes story

I have a strong family history of diabetes with all my siblings suffering from it. I came to know about mine during my pregnancy.  It has been a 31-year-long association with insulin and diabetes tablets now.

I was on 55 units of insulin plus 2 tablets before coming to FFD. I have also been on medicines for thyroid, cholesterol, and hypertension.

Introduction to FFD

My husband is already a member of FFD and his amazing progress inspired me to join FFD diabetes reversal batch HTP batch 72.

Mrs. Lalitha Vangala 

Reversal story

Joining FFD is the best thing I have done for myself.  My 55 units of insulin took only 20 days to stop. This was like a dream come true.

Medicines too have reduced remarkably. Improvement in HbA1c has been great, from 9 (with insulin) down to 7 (without insulin).

On the weight front, there has been a good 15 kg weight loss from 70 kg down to 55 kg. My thyroid medicines too have reduced. My belief is FFD's treatment truly helps one regain health.

I do all the exercises recommended by FFD like NOD, Surya namaskar, staircase climbing, etc, and feel very energetic and active.  I am yet to fix my athletic identity but I am sure will do that soon.

Key quotes

"Extremely happy with FFD treatment"

"FFD has truly helped me regain my health"

Key takeaways

  • Insulin stopped
  • Medicines reduced
  • Weight loss 15 kg
  • Amazing fitness