Managing Multiple Health Challenges : Vishwanath's FFD Experience

Achieved freedom from Diabetes, Cholesterol, and High Blood Pressure

  • Name - Mr. Vishwanath Sawant
  • Age - 55 Years Young
  • Profession - General Manager
  • Place - Mumbai

Hello all,

I'm, Vishwanath Sawant, employed as a General Manager at a private company, and I reside in Mumbai.

My diabetes story

The year 2010 was marked by immense stress and health challenges in my life. The burden of work took a heavy toll on my well-being, eventually leading to a severe fainting episode that necessitated hospitalization.

During my hospital stay, I received the startling news that my blood sugar levels had soared beyond 300. To manage this crisis, doctors promptly administered insulin and subsequently prescribed medications to regulate my blood sugar levels.

However, the medical tests conducted at that time unveiled a host of other issues, including high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, and thyroid problems, all in addition to diabetes.

Despite a family history of these health concerns, I had never imagined they would affect me. The prospect of relying on medications to maintain my health across multiple fronts was undeniably distressing.

How was FFD introduced?

I learned about FFD through a past participant.

What made me choose FFD?

Given the array of health concerns that had surfaced in my life, the desire for freedom from medications and the pursuit of good health became paramount. It was during this challenging time that I learned about Freedom from Diabetes (FFD).

The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Vishwanath Sawant

Reversal story

Embarking on the journey with Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) has proven to be one of the best decisions I've ever made for my health.

The positive changes began to manifest right from the very first day, instilling a sense of hope and encouragement within me.

Within just a month, the incredible happened—my dependency on diabetes medications came to an end, a relief I had never experienced before.

Alongside this, my blood sugar levels improved dramatically, with my HbA1c reading dropping from 8.3 to a remarkable 5.7.

Furthermore, my medications for cholesterol and high blood pressure were no longer necessary within a couple of months. My journey also included a noteworthy weight loss of 8 kilograms, taking me from 80 kilograms to a healthier 72 kilograms.

I take immense pride in my commitment to preparing meals in alignment with FFD's recommendations, even with the bustling schedules of my family members.

While I may be lagging slightly in terms of exercise, I am determined to establish a consistent regimen soon.

Key quote

"For those seeking diabetes reversal and a medication-free life, I wholeheartedly recommend FFD as the ultimate destination."

Key takeaways

  • Free from diabetes, cholesterol & BP Medicine
  • Weight loss 8 kg
#Diabetes Patient Success Story
#Diabetes Success Story
#diabetes diagnosis
#diagnosed with diabetes
#weight loss
#diabetes treatment
#reverse diabetes
#success story
#Diabetes success stories
#diabetes treatment success story
#Freedom from diabetes
#Dr. Pramod Tripathi
#Diabetes management
#How to reverse diabetes
#diabetes Treatment
#real-life stories type 2 diabetes
#type 2 diabetes stories
#diabetes reversal success stories India