My story of overcoming insulin dependency

Insulin stopped, medicine reduced, great weight loss

  • Name-  Mr. Daya Shankar Tiwari
  • Age-  66 Years Young
  • Profession- Retired
  • Place - Lucknow

Hello all,

I'm Daya Shankar Tiwari living in Lucknow.

My diabetes story 

I clearly remember the day when I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1998. It came as a complete shock to me since none of my family members had ever suffered from this disorder before.

However, the fluctuating sugar levels during routine medical checkups were clear indicators of diabetes symptoms that I had been experiencing for some time without realizing it.

I faced no significant problems other than the pain in my lower limbs.

Introduction to FFD

FFD was introduced to me through one of my friends who had undergone a miraculous diabetes reversal.  I was skeptical at first, but after seeing his transformation firsthand, I knew that this was worth exploring further.

What made me choose FFD?

My friend was highly recommending it to me. Internally, I too wished to be medicine free. FFD offered hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately

Mr. Daya Shankar Tiwari

Reversal story

Joining FFD has been nothing short of a superb experience for me. The protocols that they follow are nothing less than gems when it comes to diabetes reversal and overall well-being.

Before starting my journey with FFD, I used to take 26 units of Lantus insulin on a daily basis. However, with the help of their diabetes reversal diet and other protocols, all my insulin intake stopped completely!

Not just this, but even my diabetes medication was reduced by half. My HbA1c level also improved significantly from 8.2 to an impressive 6.7!

Alongside these amazing benefits came another one - I lost a whopping 10 kg of weight which is simply unbelievable! But what's even more incredible is that later on I managed to gain back around 4 kg in terms of lean muscle mass which was necessary for maintaining optimum fitness levels.

Gymming became my favorite form of exercise and today I feel light, energetic and above all else- healthy!

Key quote

'Overall FFD experience has been superb, thanks solely to the diabetes reversal program offered at FFD.'

Key takeaways

  • Insulin stopped
  • Medicines reduced by 50%
  • Weight loss 10 kg
#Diabetes Patient Success Story
#Diabetes Success Story
#diabetes diagnosis
#diagnosed with diabetes
#weight loss
#diabetes treatment
#reverse diabetes
#success story
#Diabetes success stories
#diabetes treatment success story
#Freedom from diabetes
#Dr. Pramod Tripathi
#Diabetes management
#How to reverse diabetes
#diabetes Treatment
#real-life stories type 2 diabetes
#type 2 diabetes stories
#diabetes reversal success stories India