Sundaram V. Venkatesan: A Journey to Health and Transformation

From Diagnosis to Wellness: Sundaram's FFD Success Story

  • Name - Mr. Sundaram V Venkatesan
  • Age - 55 Years Young
  • Profession - Construction Business
  • Place - Salem, Tamil Nadu

Hello all,

I'm Sundaram V. Venkatesan, involved in the construction business, and I reside in Salem, Tamil Nadu.

My diabetes story

In 2015, during a routine medical checkup, I received the unexpected diagnosis of diabetes. I attributed this to a genetic predisposition from my paternal side and the stress associated with my work.

Looking back, I realized that my body had been signaling issues for years, with high blood pressure becoming apparent in 2010 and high cholesterol levels surfacing in 2023.

Over time, I had also gained weight, reaching 109 kilograms. It was evident that I needed to take serious action to prioritize my health and well-being.

How was FFD introduced?

One of my friends from Chennai had joined FFD and looking at his astounding progress, I too got inspired.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I also wanted to lose weight and regain health. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Sundaram V Venkatesan

Reversal story

My journey with FFD has been nothing short of a revelation. This program has provided me with extensive knowledge about every aspect of health, and as I diligently followed the four protocols, I began to witness significant improvements in my well-being.

While I'm still on medications, my blood sugar levels are now well controlled, and my HbA1c has improved remarkably, dropping from 8.6 to 5.7.

The most satisfying achievement has been my weight loss, going from 109 kilograms down to 90 kilograms. I've wholeheartedly embraced FFD's exercise regimen, incorporating yoga, walking, push-ups, squats, and much more into my routine. 

I am especially grateful for the guidance from FFD's exercise experts, whose advice on breaking through my weight plateau with jogging has made a significant difference.

Both jogging and cycling have become integral parts of my active lifestyle, and I credit FFD for this remarkable transformation.

Key quote

The FFD approach is the sole key to achieving good health. Embrace it now.

Key takeaways

  • Controlled sugar levels
  • Weight loss 19 kg
  • Improved HbA1c
#Diabetes Patient Success Story
#Diabetes Success Story
#diabetes diagnosis
#diagnosed with diabetes
#weight loss
#diabetes treatment
#reverse diabetes
#success story
#Diabetes success stories
#diabetes treatment success story
#Freedom from diabetes
#Dr. Pramod Tripathi
#Diabetes management
#How to reverse diabetes
#diabetes Treatment
#real-life stories type 2 diabetes
#type 2 diabetes stories
#diabetes reversal success stories India