Veena Misra: A hamstring pain reversal story from Odisha

No more hamstring pain, weight loss of 8 kg

  • Name-  Mrs. Veena Misra
  • Age- 65 years young
  • Profession- Housewife
  • Place - Bhubaneshwar, Odisha

Hello all,

I'm Veena Misra, a housewife from Bhubaneshwar, Odisha.

My weight and hamstring pain story

My height is 172.73 cm with a weight of 92.2 kg. This straight away put me into the obese category and I got all the ailments about overweight.

I suffered from lower limb pain, back pain, varicose veins, etc. All this was indicating, that something needed to be done.

How did FFD happen?

I was looking for a weight loss solution and one came through my daughter who lives in Pune.  She knew Dr. Pramod Tripathi pretty well and suggested I join it for weight loss.

Why did I choose FFD?

I met one patient who had done good weight loss with FFD.  Inspired by this, I immediately enrolled in FFD’s one-year diabetes reversal program - HTP.

Mrs. Veena Misra

Weight loss story

My major goal for joining FFD was weight loss.  My health started seeing improvement from day 1 of joining.  Noticeable weight loss happened after three months. I was 92 when I joined.  It came down to 84-85 kg.

I would have lost more weight by now if I could have been able to follow the FFD protocol to 100%. My touring for almost 10-15 days a month has been the limiting factor.

Hamstring pain story

I was having this hamstring pain for 15-20 years.  Tried various exercises but nothing helped.  Upon communicating with the FFD exercise expert, I got an exercise video link shared.  Also, explained about the exercises for it.  I followed them and it did wonders for me. If I were to rate my pain at 100%, it has improved by 80% now.  

I am thankful to the FFD exercise team for proper guidance.

Key quotes

"I am happy that my hamstring pain has gone with FFD's help"

Key takeaways

  • Weight loss of 8 kg
  • Hamstring pain, no more