An inspirational weight loss story

Pre-diabetes reversed, excellent weight loss


Hello all,

I am a physiotherapist by education but currently running a market research company about data collection.

My prediabetes and weight gain story

My father is a diabetic and so I was always aware of it. The annual checkup done in April 2022 revealed I was prediabetic. Excess weight was causing me lot many problems to me. 

It was limiting my physical activities. I was in a state of mentally active and physically inactive which was not good. I did not want to carry on like this and realized something had to be seriously done.

My introduction to FFD?

A friend of mine recommended this program for a lifestyle change rather than diabetes. He used to visit our place several times so this was like a visual example.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted to reverse my pre-diabetes and lose weight. A friend's example was a great inspiration. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal programHTP immediately.

My pre-diabetes reversal and weight loss story

I followed all the guidelines given by FFD people.  My sugar levels started falling in place and my HbA1c showed great improvement. My HbA1c has come down to 5.7 now. My weight loss in the first three months was around 10 kg which was good.

By the end of five months, I had lost a good 14 kg of excess weight. I have to yet finalize my athletic identity, but I have joined the gym. Right now, following the 3:2:1 exercise plan which is working for me.

Key quotes 

"FFD guidance and education process have helped me stick on to my program which is why I have got this success."

Key takeaways

  • Pre-diabetes reversed
  • Weight loss 14 kg