From insulin dependency to lean, healthy and 100% medicine free

  • Name- Mr. Swapan Kumar Bhandari 
  • Age- 49 years
  • Profession- Technical Services Manager, MNC
  • Place - Mumbai

As there is no evidence of diabetes history in my family, I did not really think I was at risk. Until I was diagnosed with it! Thankfully, FFD was there to set me back on the road to good health.

My job as technical services manager for an MNC requires me to travel extensively all over India and abroad. Travel means irregular meal times, unhealthy food, and little to no real exercise, but despite this, I was losing weight, I was also constantly fatigued and suffering from unquenchable thirst.

Concerned I underwent a medical check-up—on the 22nd of July 2018—and, no surprises, I turned out to be diabetic. And how! My fasting glucose reading was 465.60, my postprandial reading was 698.30, and my HbA1c - 12.3.

My doctor immediately put me on oral medicines, which soon increased in dosages, and, inevitably, I found myself on insulin. I was on 20 units of Lantus (insulin) in addition to tablets.

Mr. Swapan Kumar Bhandari 

One day a friend of mine told me about Dr. Pramod Tripathi and his smoothie recipe. From the very next day, I started taking smoothie and saw my counts going down. So much so, that I was even able to stop taking insulin. Filled me with hope and determination to get rid of my diabetes completely, I joined FFD Holistic Transformation Program (58 batch).

The program is simply amazing. I was assigned a dedicated team comprising a doctor, diet expert, exercise expert, and inner transformation expert, plus of course a support team and my own batch mates. The program rests on four protocols: diet, exercise, inner transformation, and medical.

I adhered to the protocols very strictly and not only was I able to completely normalize my blood sugar, I even lost eight kilos of fat, which, through the exercise program, but I was also able to replace with 6 kilos of muscle. I’m now lean and trim, with a body shape I never thought I could gain in my lifetime.

I feel, and my friends say, look 10 years younger. I even took the Glucose Tolerance Test—in which one must consume about 15 teaspoons of pure sugar without one’s blood sugar counts rising above the normal range—and cleared it!

The program totally changed my approach to life itself. Even though I still travel a lot, I follow FFD protocols, diet and daily exercise and I love to do this. I also carry my sports shoes, gear, swimming trunks and practice whenever I get the opportunity.

Reverse Diabetes

#Diabetes Patient Success Story
#Diabetes Success Story
#diabetes diagnosis
#diagnosed with diabetes
#weight loss
#diabetes treatment
#reverse diabetes
#sucess story
#Diabetes success stories
#diabetes treatment success story
#Type 2 diabetes personal stories
#Diabetes stories blog
#Success stories of beating diabetes
#Success with Diabetes
#Diabetes success stories India
#Type 2 diabetes inspirational stories