Shirish Raghuwanshi's Diabetes Reversal: A Personal Chronicle of Transformation

Overcoming Diabetes and Shedding 23 Kg - Shirish's Testimony

  • Name - Mr. Shirish Raghuwanshi
  • Age - 51 Years Young
  • Profession - Businessman
  • Place - Indore

Hello all,

I'm Shirish Raghuwanshi, an Businessman hailing from Indore.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped in 6 Days
  • Weight Loss 23 kg

My Diabetes Story

Around three years ago in 2020, I started experiencing symptoms such as increased thirst, frequent urination, and significant weight loss.

Alarmed by these signs, I consulted my doctor, who recommended tests revealing that I had developed diabetes.

This health revelation came after my body had previously signaled an imbalance in 2017 through hypertension.

Although I have a hereditary connection to this disorder from both my maternal and paternal sides, the confirmation of diabetes was undoubtedly an unwelcome discovery.

I also struggled with issues related to overweight, and my weight reached an unmanageable 113 kg.

How was FFD Introduced?

During the time of the coronavirus, I came across a video featuring Dr. B. M. Hegde. Despite not being diagnosed with diabetes at that point, I perceived the video as significant and decided to save it for future reference.

I sought additional information when I encountered a promotion on Facebook.

What made me choose FFD?

While I was still taking medications, I suddenly remembered the saved video of Dr. B. M. Hegde mentioning Dr. Pramod Tripathi. The concept of Freedom from Diabetes seemed to provide a hopeful perspective.

The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Shirish Raghuwanshi

Reversal Story

Joining FFD has proven to be a transformative decision for me. Following the four protocols, I witnessed a significant improvement in my sugar levels, leading to the welcome news of discontinuing my diabetes medications within just six days of joining.

Not only did my sugars regulate, but my HbA1c also displayed a remarkable improvement. The journey included substantial weight loss, dropping from 113 kg to 90 kg.

Although I had to temporarily pause due to two surgeries, I plan to get back on track soon and join FFD's upcoming batch.

I express my gratitude to Dr. Pramod Tripathi, the entire FFD team, and especially my family, particularly my wife, for their unwavering support.

My wife even adjusted her food patterns for my benefit, which I find truly commendable. Looking ahead to 2024, my goals include clearing GTT, focusing on inner transformation, achieving further weight loss, and determining my athletic identity.

Key Quote

FFD has enlightened me that the process of reversal is gradual and requires a step-by-step approach.