A notable story of a lifestyle change...with FFD

Medicine stopped, regained health

  • Name-  Mr. Hemraj Ratnakar Salian
  • Age-  48 Years Young
  • Profession- Farmer
  • Place - Mangalore, Karnataka

Hi all,

I'm Hemraj Ratnakar Salian, from Mangalore, Karnataka.  Though I’m a qualified administrative professional, by choice, a farmer.

My diabetes story

In the year 2018, I quit my job in Mumbai and moved to my native Mangalore. My eight-year stay in Mumbai caused a drastic change in my eating pattern and my lifestyle. The work involved a lot of stress and anxiety. 

Post one month of returning to Mangalore, I started having symptoms of excessive thirst and frequent urination. I also noticed excessive lethargy.

As I was aware of diabetes symptoms in general. I got my regular tests whose report showed high sugar levels. Ironically, my father was diabetic from the age of 45 years. I too was detected at the same age.

How did FFD happen?

Post-detection of the high blood sugar level, I had dual mental trauma. I lost both my parents within a three-year period. This created a huge void and I was shattered. In these trying times, one of my friends who was in the medical fraternity suggested FFD.

Why did I choose FFD?

I always had this one thing in my mind, I did not want to rely on medicines for the rest of my life. That being FFD’s premise, I took the decision to trust them and joined the closest HTP program.

Mr. Hemraj Ratnakar Salian

Reversal story

My diabetes medicines stopped within 10 days of joining HTP which was a piece of great news for me. My weight loss has been 6 kg. My physical appearance changed and am looking quite younger. Diet and exercise surely made the changes I desired. I feel much younger, healthy, and more energetic.

Key quotes

"Now, I have healthy food for my body and healthy positive thoughts for my mind."

Key takeaways 

  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss 6 kg
  • Younger, healthier, and more energetic