Diabetes is no more hereditary!

  • Name- Mr. Ajit Purohit
  • Age- 48 years
  • Profession-Central Government Employee
  • Place - Pune

Amongst the various myths that revolve around diabetes, the most common one is that 'Diabetes is Hereditary'.  It is true in one way, but if you know what to do in the right way, you can avoid it.  FFD has shown me how to reverse hereditary diabetes and I am very happy about it.

I am Ajit Purohit, a 48 years young, central government employee staying in Pune.  I am working with the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation which is a Central Government Organization monitored by the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

I have a strong family history of diabetes with my aai (mother) suffering from type 1 diabetes.  I witnessed how she suffered throughout.  Unfortunately, I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the year 2016, the year in which I lost my Aai.  So there were 2 big blows for me.

I was overweight and was suffering from tiredness, frequent urination, and a thirst for water.  I am quite lucky that I did not have to depend on insulin but needed to take medicine to control my sugars.

Mr. Ajit Purohit

School friends are true friends and never forgotten.  Got to know about FFD, through Mrs. Laxmi who happens to be my school friend. She is also related to Shri Jayaraman who is a successful participant of FFD displayed on the FFD banner.  I learned, that FFD helps people reverse diabetes.

It was pre-COVID time and I being from Pune attended the introductory session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi at Kalmadi High School.  Listening to Dr. Pramod live was a totally mesmerizing experience.  I immediately enrolled in FFD Diabetes Reversal Program -HTP batch 33 beginning on 24 September 2016.

Following the phase 1 diet and exercise as per FFD protocol was a totally new experience for me.  I am glad to share that within 4 days from the date of treatment, the FFD doctor said that my body is reacting positively and the medicines have stopped.  Even as of date, I only consume Calcium and Multivitamin tablets.

I feel younger after losing almost 5-6 kg of weight. Prior to joining FFD, I was around 74 kg and now I am around 68 kg. I cycle daily for 40 km - morning time 25 km and I commute to the office on cycle - 7 km X 2.

I must appreciate the motivation and inspiration given by Dr. Pramod and Dr. Malhar.  It helped me take up long-distance cycling. I have done Pune-Goa (585 km) in 2019 spread over 5 days, Pune-Pandharpur 250 km (single day ride).

Did my 750 km (solo ride) from Pune - Solapur - Kolhapur spread over 6 days.  Now, in the month of November 2022, I have scheduled my Kashmir to Kanyakumari ride. Cycling helps me to control my weight and also control my emotional ups and downs.

I would like to add that I also play Table Tennis for 2 hours daily. By understanding the root causes of diabetes and treating/preventing them properly, one can reverse diabetes, successfully!

Thank you, Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD. 

Reverse Diabetes