Freedom from Insulin, medicines reduced Great transformation at FFD

  • Name- Mrs. Saramma Varghese
  • Age- 67 years
  • Profession- Radiographer
  • Place - Kuwait, UAE

When I came to know about my diabetes, all I knew was that I have to be on medicines for my entire life.  And there is nothing that is called 'Diabetes Reversal'.  Luckily, FFD happened and here I am, a truly transformed person.

I am Saramma Varghese, a 67 years old lady who worked as a radiographer, now retired.  I have a family history of diabetes on my maternal side actually.  Stress-wise, there has been some amount of personal stress.

In 2006, I suddenly started suffering from symptoms of frequent urination.  This was accompanied by left foot numbness too.  So, I went to see my doctor. 

The doctor explained that frequent urination was one of the triad signs of diabetes and I should get my sugar tests done.  The test results displayed I had diabetes.  I actually started taking medicines for diabetes in 2008.

By the time 2015 came, my doctor thought I needed to go on insulin as my sugars just could not be controlled on medicines anymore.  Thus began my journey with insulin too. 

Mrs. Saramma Varghese

Injecting insulin before every meal was really traumatic and it put in a lot of negativity in me too.  I wished there was some way out.

I got to know about FFD through a friend.  The idea that Diabetes can be reversed sounded like golden words from the almighty to me.  I made a decision to join Freedom from Diabetes.

Started by participating in the introductory online session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi.  The session was an eye-opener for all of us.  I realized I was doing many wrong things and needed to act upon them.  Immediately enrolled myself for the FFD diabetes reversal program -HTP batch 70.  From then onwards, I never looked back.

Before joining FFD, I was on 46 units of insulin daily.  As I started following the FFD protocols, my insulin dose started reducing.  I am very happy to share that by the end of 1 month and 1 week, I was told to stop insulin completely. 

This was the best news of my life till now, I think.  Gradually, my medicines were too reduced and I am on 50% medicine now as compared to earlier. My weight also reduced with the FFD treatment.  I lost 10 kg of my excess weight.

I had a lot of transformation after I joined FFD.  Now, I feel very confident that one day I will reverse my diabetes completely.

Thanks to FFD.

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