How FFD Helped Veena Achieve a Medicine-Free Life and lose 20 kg

A teacher's tale of diabetes reversal and weight loss

  • Name - Mrs. Veena Satish Kulkarni
  • Age - 63 Years Young
  • Profession - Teacher
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Veena Satish Kulkarni. I previously served as a Teacher in Army Public Schools and am currently a Homemaker.

My diabetes story


In 2017, a routine health checkup brought unwelcome news as I was diagnosed with diabetes, a condition that both my parents had already struggled with.

This revelation was particularly disheartening, especially considering that in 2014, I had already received the first blow of being diagnosed with hypertension.

I began experiencing unusual fatigue and tiredness throughout the day, coupled with bothersome symptoms such as frequent nighttime urination and discomfort during travel.

The prospect of certain foods and fasting became intimidating, and having witnessed the serious complications of diabetes in my mother, who unfortunately succumbed to the condition, added to my distress.

It seemed like nothing was going right for me at that time.

How was FFD introduced?

It was YouTube through which I learned about FFD.  One can say I was well acquainted with Dr Pramod Tripathi’s Lectures, speeches & educational version regarding diabetes reversal.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope. Once I decided to go for diabetes reversal I initiated the moment, got to know where FFD is located in Pune. I joined FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Mrs. Veena Satish Kulkarni

Reversal story

Within the first 60 days of joining the FFD program, I experienced the remarkable cessation of my diabetes medications, a development that initially felt unbelievable but was indeed true.

My HbA1c improved dramatically from 6.5 to the range of 5.6-5.8. I also achieved a substantial weight loss of 20 kg, reducing from 75 kg to 55 kg.

The transformation has left me feeling more energetic and lighter. I am delighted with my overall physical progress, experiencing heightened energy levels and motivation to prioritize my health.

I now engage in Intermittent fasting, Suryanamaskaras, and Yogasanas, activities that were previously restricted due to knee problems.

Mentally, I find myself more at peace and collected. Looking forward, my goal is to achieve 108 Chair Suryanamaskaras, considering the limitations posed by a complete ACL tear in my right knee.

I recently successfully cleared my GTT, with an HbA1c level of 5.6 and a FSL of 75 and PP level of 129. FFD has honoured me with 2 medals in Muktotsav 2023 one for GTT and the other for weight loss which I am really proud of.

Key quote

I express my gratitude to FFD for aiding me in the reversal of diabetes and achieving a remarkable weight loss of 20 kg.

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss 20 kg
  • GTT cleared
#Diabetes Patient Success Story
#Diabetes Success Story
#diabetes diagnosis
#diagnosed with diabetes
#weight loss
#diabetes treatment
#reverse diabetes
#success story
#Diabetes success stories
#diabetes treatment success story
#Freedom from diabetes
#Dr. Pramod Tripathi
#Diabetes management
#How to reverse diabetes
#diabetes Treatment
#real-life stories type 2 diabetes
#type 2 diabetes stories
#diabetes reversal success stories India