How I stopped 42 units of insulin with FFD

  • Name- Mrs. Reena Santuka
  • Age- 56 years
  • Profession- Housewife
  • Place - Odisha


My life was lacking discipline.  Sugars were uncontrolled.  It was my son who pushed me to join FFD to bring in discipline and control.


I am Reena Santuka, a 56-year-old housewife from Odisha.  Side-by-side, I also look after a wholesale medicine shop owned by us.  Medical history-wise, both my father and brother have diabetes.  I have had diabetes for a long time, almost 22 years.  I had leg pain at that time and went to see my doctor.  Got routine tests done upon his suggestion which showed I had high blood sugars with fasting blood sugar levels as high as 185.

Journey with diabetes

Upon being diagnosed, I was started with oral anti-diabetic medicines.
I did not pay much attention, so the doctor had to increase my dosage.  Later on, was started with insulin and took it for 7 years.  My dosage was 24 units in the morning and 18 units at night.

In 2013, my cholesterol was high, and I was put on medicines for it also.  My other sufferings were frozen shoulder, flatulence, and fatty liver.

How I discovered FFD and my FFD journey

It was my son's friend through whom I came to know about FFD.
His father had benefitted a lot, and so he was in great appreciation of Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD.  My son wanted me to join as he wanted me to start with a proper diet and exercise to bring my sugars under control.

I got to know Dr. Pramod Tripathi conducts his online introductory session Discover Reversal Session (DRS) in Hindi.  So I booked my seat for it.  I soon enrolled in the FFD diabetes reversal program - HTP and my journey towards Life 2.0 began.

It was a pleasant surprise when I got the instruction to stop my 42 units of insulin on just the 10th-11th day.  Amazing... 7 years of insulin stopped so early? FFD diet is so incredible that it makes you healthy and lose excess weight without starving.  When I joined, my weight was 74 kg.  Now, I weigh just 58 kg. One more good thing happened, I am off cholesterol medicines too.


FFD has helped me reverse diabetes along with my co-morbidity of high cholesterol too.  I am happy about it.  I am still on medicines but know for sure, that I will be off them too.


  • Freedom from diabetes medicine
  • Freedom from cholesterol medicine
  • 16 kg weight loss

Reverse Diabetes