In just 9 days, 32 units of insulin were stopped!

  • Name- Mr. Umesh Vohra
  • Age- 47 years
  • Profession- Media Personnel
  • Place - Delhi

Diabetes is also known as the silent killer.  This is because, it is a progressive disease, it worsens and brings in co-morbidities too. I also suffered from high cholesterol and many other problems, but fortunately, I found FFD and it literally saved my life.

I am Umesh Vohra, a 47 years young media personnel from National Capital, Delhi.  Media seems very attractive, lucrative, and glamorous from the outside.  But, working in this field can be very stressful.  Plus, there is a strong family history of diabetes in my family.

I suffered from sudden weight loss in 2014. Actually, I did not notice it, but my family and friends did.  So, I went to see a doctor who told me to get routine tests done. Even the Lab technician was shocked by my sugar level.

As my disease progressed, the sugars kept going out of control to such an extent that it was more than 500 at times. And so, the medicines also kept increasing. 

At one point, in 2017, my doctor put me on Insulin. This was the worst thing for me. I had never imagined myself going on insulin, at this very young age.  It was a horrible feeling.

Mr. Umesh Vohra

I also suffered other problems like constipation, sleep issues, hypertension, kidney stones, fatty liver grade 2, back pain, frozen shoulder, problems with nerves, hardening of muscles, etc.

I got to know about FFD through social media. The idea itself that diabetes can be reversed was great, and it gave me a lot of positivity. I took part in the Discover Reversal Session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi and then joined IRP batch 69.

FFD's treatment for diabetes reversal is incredible. They know the depth of the disease.  Before joining FFD, I was on 32 units of insulin per day along with 3 other anti-diabetes medicines.  I followed everything religiously and results started pouring in. 

I was told to stop my insulin on the 9th day of starting IRP.  32 units of insulin stopped!  What a great feeling it was... I just can't express it. This gave me a huge boost and my trust in FFD’s systems increased.

Soon my diabetes medicines also stopped.  I have been taking medicines for high cholesterol since October 2020 which I thought would never stop. But FFD protocols worked like magic and cholesterol medicines stopped too.  Thus, I had reversed one co-morbidity.

During this process, I lost 12 kg of excess weight and am in the normal BMI range now.  I am insulin and medicine-free, exercise regularly, and have a much better quality of life!

Thank you, FFD.


Reverse Diabetes