Mahesh Chandra Sharma: A success story from Rajasthan

No medicine... confident life
- Name- Mr. Mahesh Chandra Sharma
- Age- 62 Years Young
- Profession- Retd. Executive Director
- Place - Jaipur, Rajasthan
Hello friends
I'm Mahesh Chandra Sharma, a 62-year-young from Jaipur, Rajasthan.
I have superannuated as Executive Director from NBCC India Ltd. (A Govt. of India CPSU). I believe that we never retire and only superannuate! So after retirement, I passed the IBBI exam and am now a Registered Valuer to keep myself active.
What inspired me to join FFD?
Earlier the belief was that BP and blood sugar once detected are for life. But the claim of FFD that diabetes can be reversed looked something different and I thought to try this.
How was my diabetes diagnosed?
I shifted to Jaipur from Mumbai in January 2020. Unfortunately, the pandemic happened in March 2020 and we were confined to our homes.
After 35 years of active service life as a Civil Engineer, I was having an excellent time having good home-cooked food, watching TV, taking afternoon naps, and general relaxation.
At the end of July, I developed an infection in my right thigh at the junction of the groin area. Initially, the doctor advised me to get the blood sugar done. Reports came and my PP readings were 452mg/dL and fasting was 248mg/dL.
I was given insulin shots and had to be operated on for the removal of pus and cleaning of the wound. I then realized how dangerous diabetes can be.
How was I introduced to FFD?
I came to know about FFD through social media while searching about diabetes and how to handle it. Further, my younger brother’s spouse is from Pune and she knew Dr. Pramod Tripathi personally.
My FFD journey
I first attended the introductory session DRS and then joined the FFD diabetes reversal program in HTP batch 76.
The 4 protocols namely - diet, exercise, inner transformation, and medical are just superb. "I was free of medicines in two months or so." Since I had a lot of weight loss due to my operation and hospitalization, no further weight loss was required and the protocols were duly adjusted.
I am feeling much better. My sugar levels are now in the acceptable range. Current Hb1Ac is in the range of 6.3%/6.4%. I am confident that I can manage my diabetes even without medicines.
A million thanks to the entire FFD Team and especially Dr. Pramod Tripathi for his service to mankind.
Key takeaways
Freedom from medicine
HbA1c 6.3%-6.4%
Feeling confident about managing my health