Overcoming Diabetes: Ela Dixit's FFD Success Saga

Thriving with FFD: Ela Dixit's Journey to Wellness and Beyond

  • Name - Mrs. Ela Dixit
  • Age - 62 Years Young
  • Profession - Housewife
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Ela Dixit from the city of Pune.

Key Takeaways

  • Sugars Under Control
  • Weight Loss 14 kg
  • BP & Creatinine Levels Improved

My Diabetes Story

Two decades ago, my health journey took an unexpected turn. Feeling persistently fatigued and dizzy, I sought medical advice, leading to routine tests.

To my dismay, the results revealed diabetes, a diagnosis I never anticipated despite a family history on my maternal side. As my condition worsened, I reluctantly began insulin treatment alongside medications to regulate my blood sugar levels, which proved challenging.

Compounding matters, high cholesterol, thyroid issues, and hypertension further complicated my health landscape. Throughout these years, I also accumulated excess weight, tipping the scale at 86 kg.

Faced with this multifaceted health crisis, I recognized the urgent need for comprehensive intervention.

How was FFD Introduced?

A small incident....I was in the ICU and my husband was reading  the newspaper.  As he turned  the page there was a full page on Dr. Tripathi’s talk.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I also wanted to regain my health. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence. I enrolled  in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP and never looked back, my karmic connection.

Mrs. Ela Dixit

Reversal Story

My journey with FFD has been truly remarkable. The outcomes have exceeded my expectations in every way. The FFD team, after a comprehensive analysis of my case, devised a tailored plan for me.

As I committed myself to following this plan, I began to witness significant positive changes. Although I am still reliant on diabetes medication, my blood sugar levels have stabilized, with an HbA1c of 7.

I am confident that with continued adherence to FFD's treatment approach, I will soon be able to live medication-free. The substantial weight loss of 14 kg, from 86 kg to 72-73 kg, has been a wonderful achievement for me.

FFD's program has effectively addressed all my health parameters, including managing my blood pressure and significantly reducing my creatinine levels from 2.8 to 1.9, which I find truly remarkable.

Following FFD's renal diet plan has been particularly beneficial in this regard. Overall, FFD has had a profoundly positive impact on my health journey.

Key Quote

FFD turned out to be a one stop solution for me.  I will always be grateful to Dr. Pramod Tripathi.