Siddhartha Gupta: 20 units of insulin stopped in 20 days

  • Name- Mr. Siddhartha Gupta
  • Age- 34 years
  • Profession- Researcher
  • Place - Germany

I feel victorious.  My goals are accomplished...all after coming to FFD.

I am Siddhartha Gupta, age 34 years.  I work as a researcher in Aeronautics at a technical university in Germany.  From my mother's side nearly all my relatives have Type 2 diabetes.

I was diagnosed with diabetes during a medical check-up for my health insurance for my first job in 2009. I was just 22 years old then.  My Fasting blood glucose level was 294 and my random was 556.  The sugars were so high that doctors put me on insulin immediately.

My problem with diabetes was a little different.  I faced a lot of social issues initially. I was very young; I took insulin and followed a very strict diet. It was hard to explain to everyone why I cannot eat sweets or fried food. I started avoiding events or dinner because of social pressure.

I started taking 20 units of mixed insulin and reached a stage of remission. I followed a basic diet and my body responded well normally till 2019 when my blood sugars started going up again and in 2020, I had to take insulin again, the same dose of 20 units.  This was really disheartening. 

I was looking for a way that diabetes could be reversed forever and had many fitness goals like running and rock climbing. I saw Dr. Prramod Tripathi on YouTube and started following his videos.

Mr. Siddhartha Gupta

They somehow made sense and some information was an eye-opener for me. I finally decided in 2021 to enroll in the FFD diabetes reversal program - Holistic Transformation Program (HTP).

Luckily, I did not have weight issues. My goals were simple - to get off insulin and learn all the principles to follow a natural, vibrant life so that I don't have to think of diabetes again. As I started following the protocols, my insulin dose also started reducing.  In around 20 days I was given the good news about the stoppage of insulin. 

I have made it a point to maintain most of the habits throughout the journey. For me, it was important to understand the principles and follow them consistently for the rest of my life and increase my resilience to diabetes.

I have a stronger grasp on what we do wrong to induce diabetes. Some things such as dairy and stress are so hurtful to us was beyond my understanding.

I make it a point to follow a simple customized routine in which I incorporate all the key principles of each phase that I went through in the program. I keep a watch on my Hba1c to keep it under 6, ideally not more than 6.5.

FFD gave me freedom from insulin.  I am happy.

Thank you, FFD.

Reverse Diabetes