Weight Loss and Wellness: My Journey with FFD from Nairobi, Kenya

Love, Acceptance, and Weight Loss: My Story with FFD

  • Name - Mrs. Manasi Bhupendra Agaskar
  • Age - 38 Years Young
  • Profession - Independent Professional
  • Place - Nairobi, Kenya

Hello all,

I'm Manasi Bhupendra Agaskar, an Independent Professional from Nairobi, Kenya.

Key Takeaways

  • Weight Loss 9 kg
  • Superb Positivity

My Weight Gain Story

In 2007, I learned about my hypothyroid status, which came as a bit of unwelcome news at such a young age. Looking back, I think personal stress may have been the trigger point.

The hormonal imbalance started affecting my body, and I began to gain weight. After giving birth, things spiraled out of control, and I realized needed additional support to manage my condition.

How was FFD Introduced?

Around 2013 or 2014, an acquaintance recommended FFD to me. Since then, I've embraced most aspects of the FFD protocol, including green smoothie, strength training, playing a sport, and adhering to the 25% protocol.

Additionally, I've pursued a career I'm passionate about and made adjustments over the years to maintain balance in all areas of my life.

What made me choose FFD?

My Goal was Weight Loss and Hypothyroid Reversal. FFD was offering hope so I joined FFD's HTP Program.

My Weight Loss Story

The FFD team assigned to me took a deep dive into my case and crafted a personalized plan for me. While my weight loss journey started slow, I managed to shed around 9 kg, going from 99 kg to 90 kg.

However, I began feeling disheartened by the sluggish progress until Dr. Malhar provided me with a much-needed boost.

His advice to embrace and love my body, while discovering my athletic identity, was truly transformative. I started swimming, engaging in aqua aerobics, and even cycling in the forest, though I'm still a novice at it.

Additionally, I made a conscious decision to reintroduce ease, joy, and connection into my life, letting go of the need for perfection.

These changes not only reflected in my overall well-being but also kickstarted my weight loss journey, with even my husband getting fitter alongside me.

My current goal is to reconnect with the passionate, adventurous, and bold aspects of myself. Overall, my journey with FFD has been incredible, and I am confident that I will soon reach my target weight.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for showing me a path to sustainable Weight Loss and Positivity.

#Weight loss
#weight loss stories Indian
#Real weight loss stories
#weight loss stories in India
#weight loss stories women
#how to lose weight
#Weight loss Patient Success Story
#Weight loss Success Story
#real-life weight loss stories