Diabetes, cholesterol & frozen shoulder - Not anymore

  • Name- Mr. Om Prakash Prasad
  • Age-  42 years
  • Profession- Engineer
  • Place - Chhattisgarh

Anything in excess is harmful! I definitely know what it means as I have experienced what it entails. I am Om Prakash Prasad, a 42 years young fellow from Chhattisgarh, India.  Basically, I am an Engineer and presently working for a Public Sector Company.

I was diagnosed with diabetes in the year 2008 when I went for a general medical check-up and my random blood sugar (RBS) level was found as 340 mg/dl. As advised by the Doctor, the HbA1C test was conducted and the reading was 10.5.

The Doctor prescribed the medicines and advised me to take the same regularly. Later on, after a couple of years, I was diagnosed with Hypertension also for which I started the regular medication.

I knew one of the reasons for having diabetes could be stress, but did not know the gravity of it.  One factor of family history is ruled out as I do not have a family history of Diabetes.  It is purely because of my overstressed life, obesity, and lesser active life that I contracted diabetes.

The major problem which I faced was the frozen shoulder (left) issue, due to which I was not able to lift my left hand. I consulted the Doctors and Physiotherapists but it didn’t work. I faced other problems like gas, tiredness, and anxiety too.

Mr. Om Prakash Prasad

I was never on insulin but was taking sugar medicines like Vogo 0.3 and Janumet 500 regularly.  Was also taking Telma-40 for hypertension which I am still continuing.

I learned about FFD from Facebook, then attended 2 hours program of Dr. Pramod Tripathi where after seeing the convincing logic behind the reversal, I joined the full FFD Diabetes Reversal program - HTP batch 65.

I started my journey with FFD on 27.11.2020 and within 5 to 6 days i.e. on 03.12.2020 my sugar medicines were completely stopped.

Now, it has been one and half years that I haven’t taken medicine for diabetes, and my HbA1C level is maintained between 5 to 6%.

When I started my journey, my body weight was 70 Kg. which gradually reduced to 55 Kg, and now I am maintaining it at 57 to 58 Kg.  I am also free from cholesterol medicines.

During the one-year’s program with FFD, my sugar levels remained under limits for a longer time and due to regular exercises, the issue of the frozen shoulder was completely cured automatically.

I feel great to be free from Diabetic medication. It seems like an upgraded version of mine. People and friends have started asking, how I have made such a transformation, especially maintaining the sugar levels within limits that too without medication. It is really quite simple as well surprising that only diet and physical activities can make such huge improvement.

I am still continuing with a vegan diet plan with green salad, protein, veggies, and carbs in equal proportion. The only variation is the increased quantity. I prefer a dal-based breakfast in the morning.

I practice exercises/yoga in the morning and cardio activities in the evening. Before joining the FFD program, it was almost 20 years since I had done cycling but now, I started cycling and running as a regular activity. 

I feel very happy as I am able to do 50 km of cycling and 108 Surya Namaskar. I had never touched the Gym before the FFD program, but it has become a regular activity for me.

Life has completely transformed and become joyful ...truly a Life 2.0.

Thanks to FFD Team.

Reverse Diabetes