From Diabetes to GTT: A Warrior's Tale

Ram clears GTT after being a diabetic for 20 years within 12 months

  • Name - Mr. Ram Sundararaman
  • Age - 54 Years Young
  • Profession - Businessman
  • Place - Udaipur, Rajasthan

Hello all,

I'm Ram Sundararaman from Udaipur, Rajasthan.

My diabetes story

Around two decades ago, I consulted an eye specialist due to concerns about my eyesight. To my surprise, he found no issues with my eyes but suggested I see a neurologist.

After undergoing routine tests as per the neurologist's suggestion, the results revealed alarmingly high sugar levels, confirming a diagnosis of diabetes.

This revelation was quite a shock, especially considering I was just 34 years old at the time. My job change had led to increased desk work, and coupled with a strong family history of diabetes on my paternal side, it seemed these factors played a significant role in my condition.

Additionally, I grappled with blood pressure problems, prompting a visit to my cardiologist, who prescribed medications for both cholesterol and hypertension. Thus, I found myself managing three ailments with medication—diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol.

I adhered to Dr. Furhman's guidance for a period and experienced remarkable improvements, but certain personal challenges caused a setback. There was a time when I abandoned the idea of reversing diabetes altogether and felt utterly hopeless.

An Omicron infection had worsened my condition even further pushing me to take insulin.  I also suffered from skin infections that added to my depression.

How did FFD happen?

A friend of my wife introduced me to FFD. It was her uncle who had seen the great benefits of FFD experience.

What made me join FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I wanted to reverse diabetes. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Ram Sundararaman

Reversal story

My journey with FFD got off to a fantastic start. I joined in October, and by December, I had bid farewell to all my diabetes medications.

The freedom from both insulin and oral medications was an incredible feeling. Additionally, my HbA1c levels improved significantly, dropping from 8.2 to 6.4.

Notably, I achieved substantial weight loss, going from 89.4 kg to 72.5 kg. My energy levels have soared to new heights, and I no longer require daytime naps. I've become an avid gym fan, and this transformation is nothing short of unbelievable.

The most exciting thing that happened is I also cleared my GTT this year (2023). My heartfelt appreciation goes to FFD for making it all possible.

Key quote 

"Thank you very much, FFD for changing my whole attitude towards life and helping me find a purpose."

Key takeaways

  • Free from insulin & medicines
  • Weight loss 16.9 kg
#Diabetes Patient Success Story
#Diabetes Success Story
#diabetes diagnosis
#diagnosed with diabetes
#weight loss
#diabetes treatment
#reverse diabetes
#success story
#Diabetes success stories
#diabetes treatment success story
#Freedom from diabetes
#Dr. Pramod Tripathi
#Diabetes management
#How to reverse diabetes
#diabetes Treatment
#real-life stories type 2 diabetes
#type 2 diabetes stories
#diabetes reversal success stories India