Renuka's Success Story: "I beat diabetes, BP and Thyroid"!!

  • Name- Mrs.Renuka Nair 
  • Age- 57 years
  • Profession- Founder|Director (Fun and Learn Preschool)
  • Place -Bangalore, Karnataka, India 

Reversing diabetes is not just working on diet and exercise, there is a lot more to it. 

I am Mrs. Renuka Nair from Bangalore, the Founder / Director of Fun and Learn Preschool, since 1998. My father had diabetes for more than 45 years. At the beginning of 2018, I learned about my diabetes during a medical checkup. 

It was the identical symptoms that generally lead to the conclusion about me having diabetes - itching, thirst, and frequent hunger pangs, all common symptoms. My HbA1c was 13.76.

Thankfully, I did not need insulin, but I did take Glycomet GP tablet in the morning and night, as well as Sulisent 100 mg after breakfast, for diabetes alone.

Before getting diagnosed with diabetes, I already was on medication for thyroid (since 1991) and BP (since 2006).  Thyronorm for thyroid and Nebicard for BP.

One of my close friends, who is now a mentor with FFD, was my inspiration.  She showed me the ray of light that FFD offered, and I enrolled because I felt extremely positive and took a quick decision to join the program.

After joining FFD, I noticed a significant change in myself; it took exactly 4 days for me to discontinue taking all 3 diabetes medicines.  BP tablet got discontinued on the 10th day.  Amazing results!  3 tablets stopped in 4 days, 10 years of BP tablets stopped in 10 days 

Renuka nair Diabetes reversal success storyMrs.Renuka Nair

FFD's Holistic Transformation Program (HTP) is a well-knit program.  FFD staff is incredible. At one point, I was unable to exercise as suggested and got anxious about it.  Right motivation from FFD helped me out then. 

Another time, I was worried about my weight being stagnant after the 10kg loss. Exercise experts reviewed all my exercises, cleared my doubts, and gave me appropriate advice.  Simply superb!

I am feeling lighter, more energized, and more confident. Mentally, I am a much happier person. I have discovered how to forgive, forget, and love everyone.

The weight loss of 11 kg in just 4 months was the program's highlight. It has been my greatest achievement which I have been struggling with for the last 35 years. 

I feel on top of the world especially after learning how to manage my life in terms of eating, communicating, and exercising. Trying to continue all the great and wonderful teachings from FFD as much as possible though there are days where I fearlessly cheat since I have learned the art of balancing my nutrition from none other than FFD.

I can proudly say today - FFD has been the guiding light for this Super Duper Achievement of mine.

Thank you, FFD.

Diabetes Reversal Success story