Sept 21: Top 10 Diabetes Reversal- Health Transformation Stories

Freedom from Diabetes founded by Dr. Pramod Tripathi was established in 2013 with the aim of working towards 'Diabetes Reversal'. It successfully broke the popular perception that 'diabetes is a life-long suffering' and just recently crossed the landmark of freeing 10K people of diabetes medicines.

Our YouTube channel is loaded with 100's of videos of successful participants sharing their experiences. Also, our website has successful freedom stories of several patients who have achieved milestones in one or another way.  We keep updating the information by adding patients each month.

We published several Diabetes Reversal success stories during September 2021. Here are the

Top 10 Diabetes reversal success stories of September 2021.

Let's get to know each of them. 

1. Mrs. Savitri Raman

 Savitri RamanMrs. Savitri Raman

Mrs. Savitri Raman is a 58-year-old Homemaker from Mumbai.  She was diagnosed to have diabetes in 1994, almost 27 years ago.  She worked for Swiss Air. 

Later when she was working for TCS BPO as a Senior Accountant, had to resign from the job due to severe pain in my knee joints. Her disease progressed to such an extent that she had to be put on 90 units of insulin.

She came to know about FFD through her CGHS doctor and joined FFD's Diabetes Reversal Program. Since then there was no going back. Her 90 units of insulin stopped in just 15 days. Other health parameters also improved immensely.

Read her Complete Diabetes Reversal Success story

2. Mr. Narendra Babu Perumalla

 Narendra Babu PerumallaMr. Narendra Babu Perumalla

Mr. Narendra Perumalla is a 37-year-old Senior Bank Associate from Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.  His is a unique story. He suffered from diabetes for 10 years. His sugars were never under control. Due to this, his medicines and insulin kept increasing.

The insulin dose went up to 200 units which were divided into 4 times a day. Due to diabetes tablets, he also suffered from kidney issues which were reflected with high serum creatinine levels, and also faced problems of nephropathy and muscular cramps.

Came to know about FFD through Dr. B. M. Hegde's video and this turned out to be the real game-changer for him. His insulin stopped, creatinine level also improved and he is very happy about it.

Read his Type 2 Diabetes Reversal Success story


3. Mrs. Rajeshwari Patil

 Rajeshwari PatilMrs. Rajeshwari Patil

Mrs. Rajeshwari Patil is a 52-year-old High School Teacher from Koppal, Karnataka.  Got diagnosed with diabetes after suffering from a high fever.  Begun on medicines.

Also suffered from other problems like acidity, sleep issues, fatty liver, cough, shoulder pain, problems in bending and stretching.  By 2016, sugar levels could not be controlled with medicines, and insulin got introduced which went high up to 45 units in a day. 

Deteriorated health forced her to go for voluntary retirement. After seeing Dr. Pramod Tripathi's video, got positive vibes and joined FFD. 45 units of insulin stopped in 28 days.

Read more about how she reversed diabetes

4. Mr.Rajesh Bagga

 Mr.Rajesh BaggaMr.Rajesh Bagga

Mr.Rajesh Bagga is a 61-year-old business owner from Delhi. He was doing extremely well when the unexpected happened, COVID, and disturbed everything. 

His business suffered from loss. Staying indoors forced him to get into cooking during the pandemic and he put on a lot of weight 149.5 kg.  His day-to-day activities became difficult. 

Came to know that FFD also helps people lose weight. Joined FFD for weight loss and could successfully lose a huge weight of 34 kg.

Read his diabetes reversal program benefits

5. Mrs.Pushpa Murari

 Pushpa MurariMrs.Pushpa Murari

Mrs.Pushpa Murari is a 68-year-old Retired Principal from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. Job stress had unknowingly taken a toll on her.

Even though it was all great, keeping up the good work was strenuous. Plus as principal, there was workload too. Unchecked stress contributed to many other health problems in her case too. 

Dr. Pramod Tripathi's video turned out to be an eye-opener for her. She joined FFD and her life changed totally. Her story tells us how FFD helped her stop 11 years of medication in just 1 month and much more. 

Do read her story on how she reversed diabetes forever

6. Mr.Raghu Pallath

 Mr.Raghu PallathMr. Raghu Pallath

Mr Raghu Pallath is a 49-year-old Senior Director at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise chiefly handling Global Alliance Sales with a multi-location team & need to travel a lot. 

Accidentally came to know about his diabetes during a medical checkup. Also, suffered from other health issues like psoriasis, high cholesterol, etc.  Dr. B. M. Hegde's video was the place where he got to know about FFD, joined it and his life changed 360 degrees.

Read his story to know how FFD's Diabetes Reversal 4 protocols helped him achieve good health.


7. Mrs. Garima Agrawal

 Garima AgrawalMrs. Garima Agrawal

Mrs. Garima Agrawal is a 52-year-old homemaker from Indore. Prolonged illness lead her to undergo several tests which revealed HbA1c to be in the 7.6 range. 

Along with diabetes, she was also on medicines for high cholesterol and BP. Extensive research pad off... got to know FFD.  Joined it and results came in a very short span for her.  Diabetes medicines stopped in just 5 days.

She has provided detailed information about her journey.

Read More Mrs. Garima Reversed her diabetes by Dr Pramod Tripathi

8. Mr.V S N Sarma Kothuri

 V S N Sarma KothuriMr. V S N Sarma Kothuri

Mr.V S N Sarma Kothuri is a 55-year-old retired person from Hyderabad.  He was quite shocked to become aware of his diabetes as he had no apparent symptoms of it. 

Underwent several surgeries like bypass surgery, eye surgery, etc put on weight and was in bad health. My Brother-in-law told him about FFD's Holistic Transformation Program, joined HTP batch 63.

Followed all 4 FFD's Diabetes Reversal protocols sincerely and got results. Weight reduced remarkably from 100 kg to 76.6 kg, 20 years medicines stopped in just one month. 

Read More: How Mr. Kothuri reversed his type 2 diabetes

9. Mr. Prashant Kapdoskar

  Prashant KapdoskarMr. Prashant Kapdoskar

Mr. Prashant Kapdoskar is a 45-year-old Senior Divisional Manager from Mumbai.  He got to know about his diabetes in a random medical checkup. Initially, medicines helped a bit but later on developed other health problems like eye problems; joint pains; frozen shoulder; BP; and abdominal pain, which was due to kidney stones.

Attended Mumbai Mega event in the pre-COVID time and enrolled in HTP batch 62.

This decision of his proved to be fruitful and all his medicines stopped in 2 weeks.

Read More: Mr. Prashant Kapdoskar proved that diabetes is reversible


10. Mr.Vishweshwaran Ramakrishnan


Mr.Vishweshwaran Ramakrishnan Mr.Vishweshwaran Ramakrishnan

Mr.Vishweshwaran Ramakrishnan is a 47-year-old Senior Management Banker from Thane. His sedentary lifestyle did a lot of damage. 

As per the doctor's advice did gym and diet but it did not help much.  Started on medicines and later on put on insulin. Joined FFD after coming to know about it through a friend. 

Insulin stopped in the first two weeks and 11 years medicines stopped in 1 month. 

Read more about: how Mr.Vishweshwaran Ramakrishnan proved that diabetes can be reversed with Freedom from Diabetes

The above top 10 participants are just a few from 100s of our jewels. You too can achieve milestones like them.

Start your "Diabetes Reversal" journey with us by participating in our Discover Reversal Session.  It is the introductory session of our annual diabetes reversal program which we call a Holistic Transformation Program conducted by Dr. Pramod Tripathi himself. Enroll in the upcoming online session now to learn how you can also reverse your Diabetes.

Diabetes Reversal Success storyWeight loss success storyOther health problem success story