March 2022: Top 10 Diabetes Reversal and Health Transformation Stories

The month of March, even though the third month of the year, is known as the first month of the spring.  It is also known for the start of new beginnings. Many people began their Diabetes Reversal Journey at FFD in this month.  While many got benefitted immensely by actually becoming free from diabetes medicines and insulin after coming to FFD.

This is not a miracle. It is the result of 4 strong FFD protocols implemented in the right way with excellent education and support from the FFD team. Out of several 100s who became free in the month of March 2022, we have chosen the following top 10 to give you an idea of how the 'Diabetes Reversal' actually happens and how co-morbidities too get reversed.

Here is a list of the top 10 participants for you all

1. Anita Kulkarni

Her story is very interesting. She is a 60-year-old homemaker from Bangalore who used to accompany her husband for routine medical checkups and got to know about her own diabetes in one such check-up.  She also suffered from BP and cholesterol issues and taking it as an alarming sign, she joined FFD.  Since then, she has not looked back.

Her 10 years of diabetes medicines stopped in just 11 days.

Read her Diabetes Reversal Success story

2. Indira Chavali

Is a 55-year-old Software Professional from Bangalore again. Hers' is a truly transformational story.  She suffered from thyroid, BP, fatty liver, and pre-diabetes which after some time developed into full-blown diabetes.  Seriously concerned for her health, she began searching for a holistic solution and finally landed at FFD. She is very happy with her progress at FFD and loves to call herself - Cyclist Yogi.

Read her type 2 diabetes reversal success story

3. Srikanth Raghavan 

He is a 56 years old Sr. Manager at US-based MNC. His pre-surgery tests first revealed high sugars which later got confirmed as diabetes. With time, his health deteriorated.  His soles got inflamed which made it difficult to walk.  Looking for a way out he came across Dr. B. M. Hegde's video that mentioned Dr. Pramod Tripathi.  Joined FFD and its well-rounded approach helped him a great deal in improving his diabetes and other health parameters.

He is very happy to have come to FFD.

Read his diabetes success story

4. Sangeeta Malekar

She is a 50 years young BHMS doctor from Pune. She came to know about her diabetes during a routine blood test and later on suffered from various health issues like weight gain, leg pain, insomnia, etc.  Came to know about FFD, joined it, and the rest is history.  She, not only reversed her diabetes but succeeded in losing a considerable amount of weight and improving in thyroid issues.

She herself is surprised by the fact that FFD has helped her reverse hereditary diabetes!

Read her hereditary diabetes story

5. Mrinalini Sinha

she is a 42 years young Health & Family Welfare employee from Delhi. She got diabetes at a very young age of 30.  Suffered from insomnia too.  Did not want to live like this and luckily came to know about FFD.  Since then she has not looked back. She not only overcame her diabetes at FFD but her insomnia problem too got solved with FFD's treatment, especially the Inner Transformation part.  Her journey is worth making a note of.

Read her success stories of reversing diabetes

6. Nikhil Patel 

A 51-year-old Tax practitioner from Gujarat was suffering from problems due to heavyweight. His went had gone up to as high as 126 kg.   Obesity also leads to him having joint pains like knee pain and fatty liver grade 1.  He did not know what to do until he came across FFD.  Joined FFD with the sole aim of weight loss and achieved a huge weight loss of 28 kg.  With this, his knee pain problem too got resolved and he is happy.

Read his weight loss success story

7. Umesh Vohra

A 47 years young Media Personnel from Delhi lived a hectic life. He suffered from weight loss for which he went on to see his doctor.  Test results, to his surprise, revealed he had diabetes.  He had to be put on insulin for uncontrolled sugars which were quite disheartening for him.  He joined FFD and his 32 units of insulin stopped in just 9 days.

Read his incredible type 2 diabetes reversal success story

8. Gaurav Kushwaha


He is a 43 years young IT professional from Gurgaon, Haryana. He came to know about his diabetes some 8 years ago and was put on medicines for the same.  Suffered from leg pain, tiredness, etc.  COVID time, was not good for him like others.  He not only put on weight but found his HbA1c to be very high at 8.7.

At FFD, he overcame his diabetes, lost weight and is in great health playing tennis, running and doing gym.

Read his inspiring diabetes reversal story

9. Nikhat Parveen 

He is a 59-year-old homemaker from Hyderabad. She came to know that she had diabetes and several co-morbidities like high cholesterol, hypertension, and hypothyroid too.  Came to know about FFD through Dr. B. M. Hegde's video, joined it and her life changed totally. She is now free from diabetes and cholesterol medicines both.

Read her co-morbidity reversal story

10. Swapan Kumar Bhandari

He is a 49 years young Technical Service Manager in an MNC. His job profile required him to travel and a misbalanced lifestyle gave him diabetes.  His fasting sugars were found to be very high in the 465 range with postprandial sugars to as high as 698.  He was soon put on insulin for uncontrolled sugars.  He is free of insulin dependency, lean and 100% medicine free.

Do read his inspiring story

FFD's Holistic Transformation Program is an of its kind program in the whole world which helps people not only reverse their diabetes but other lifestyle disorders like obesity, BP, high cholesterol, PCOD, etc. Enroll in our HTP program to witness how customized treatment from the experts brings good health to you!

Start your "Diabetes Reversal" journey with us by participating in our Discover Reversal Session.  It is the introductory session of our annual diabetes reversal program which we call a Holistic Transformation Program conducted by Dr. Pramod Tripathi himself. Enroll in the upcoming online session now to learn how you can also reverse your Diabetes.

Diabetes Reversal Success storyDiabetes Reversal Success storyDiabetes Reversal Success story